Our Studios
Studio Design
Lighthouse International currently has four studios: Spark, Explorer, Catalyst and Launchpad.
We Call Our Classrooms "Studios" Because Students Are Learning Through Movement, Exploration, And Hands-On Activities. Find out how our learning design can help your child unlock their potential.

Ages 5-7
The Spark Studio is best imagined as a garden where learners embrace Montessori work and Spark Play to learn real-life skills and develop the independence, focus, and kindness needed to enter an Acton Elementary Studio — each prepared to discover a calling that will change the world.

Ages 7-12
A love of learning studio that offers a safe, caring environment where curiosity is sparked and children learn how to set and reach goals while progressing at their own pace!

Ages 11-15
Where whole-person, real-world education
begins - both in and out of the studio.

Ages 15+
Ready for an adventure of a lifetime? Launchpadders get ready for real-world success by gaining and mastering valuable skills through apprenticeships, servant leadership, and pursuing hands-on quests that matter.
Your portfolio of accomplishments may dazzle admissions officers at top-notch universities or convince employees, partners, and investors to join you and change the world!